Journity is a powerful tool that helps you connect with your audience through personalized messaging. Understanding user engagement and delivering the right message to the right user at the right time takes a lot of work. However, without appropriate care, this can cause your website to take a long time to load and decrease performance scores like Core Web Vitals.

Performance Tips
Here are some tips to have higher performance scores for Core Web Vitals as well as load waypoints more quickly.

  1. Avoid loading via Google Tag Manager so that Journity does not have to wait for GTM to load first.
  2. Use a Custom Font on your Journity waypoints instead of a Google font. This removes the network request to download the Google font.
  3. Do not load the scripts using async or defer
    1. These only initialize the loader scripts with the needed properties. The loader scripts apply async to the final scripts.
  4. Skip the css loader and @import directly in your own CSS file
  5. Consider loading only the collector and not the personalizer on pages that do not have waypoints
  6. Make a special waypoint for mobile. Set it to trigger when the user scrolls 10% of the page. This likely will result in some people not scrolling and thus not seeing the waypoint, however, it will have a large performance boost for mobile. Another option is to display

Advanced Tips
These will boost your performance, but require more dev work to set up and maintain.

  1. Bypass the Javascript loaders
    1. Remove a network request by replacing the call to the loader scripts with the the content of your loader scripts.
    2. All the scripts should go into the header. You can defer the JavaScript files.
    3. If you do this, then you would miss out on any changes that we make to the loader script. Such changes are rare but can happen. If you let us know you are doing this, then we can alert you to make the same changes on your side.
  2. Bypass the CSS loader
    1. Remove the network request by copying the contents of the Journity css file into your own css.
    2. If you do this, then you would miss out on any changes that we make to the loader script. Such changes are rare but can happen. If you let us know you are doing this, then we can alert you to make the same changes on your side.

If you have any questions, email us at