Welcome to Journity!

Thanks for creating an account! With Journity, you can boost engagement, grow your email lists, promote events and content, re-target your audience, raise donations, and more!

To get started, log into your account and add our code to your site so you can start tracking data immediately.

Your account info: [username/email address].

To access your account, visit https://app.journity.com/, sign in and follow the simple steps to ensure the code is installed properly. If your website is hosted on Wordpress, click here to install the Journity plugin! Installing the code is the start of this exciting journey. Is it worth the 10 minutes? ABSOLUTELY. Revive Our Hearts saw a 48% increase to monthly donors in just 6 months using targeted messaging through Journity.

Once you’re logged in, explore our user-friendly dashboard on your own or toggle through the guided tour (pictured below) that walks you through how to launch your first targeted message (as we like to call them, “Waypoints”).

If you have any questions, email us at customersuccess@journity.com.

Journity Team